To Be Magnetic
WTF is Neuroscience?
Needless to say, neuroscience is a complex creature. While this article certainly won’t replace your Intro to Neurobiology course, we hope to give a deeper insight into how your brain chemistry affects your day-to-day experience and manifestation process. Don’t worry - we’ll keep this at a 30,000-Foot-View…
Are You Codependent?
Codependency affects many more of us than you may have imagined. But it’s not a life sentence, nor is it a permanent block when it comes to manifestation (in fact, there’s no such thing). There is no codependency quiz, and before you head down a never-ending rabbit hole of Google of asking “Am I codependent?”…take a deep breath. How to overcome codependency begins with first discovering if you truly are codependent, finding the root of why, and unblocking to attain freedom….